Friday, July 22, 2011


So, my workroom is one of those places that you don't want anyone to see. It is like one of those messy closets that you hope noone ever opens the door to, until now. My husband built me a wonderful new work bench. I now have room for my new metal cutters and I am going to finally unpack the rolling mill that I have had for 2 years, and never used. I just hope I can keep it clean enough to see the work surface. I will have to work on the other side now where the rest of my tools are. We will see what it looks like in a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Here is a beautiful blog that features one of my rose quartz rings. Check it out.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Aaaah. Summer.

I was going to get some work done today but.... I guess it will all wait untill tomorrow.

Don't forget to drop in on Mama Days blogspot for a chance to win a piece of my handcrafted jewelry!! Click Here:

Monday, July 4, 2011

It is giveaway time! Go to the link on Mama Days blogspot below and find out how to enter to win a piece of my jewelry. Good luck!