Saturday, June 25, 2011

Beer & Gear Festival

Wow! We had a great time at the beer and gear festival. This was our first time here but hopefully not our last. A special thanks goes out to the crew at Wilderness Voyageurs. Tons of people and great beer and music. The rain held off so the weather was perfect.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Allowing Kids to Think Big

I found this wonderful blog post on etsy about letting our children dream big. I find that many times children are steered into a certain direction without much choice. I like the thought of letting them find their way, but giving them the tools to survive and make a difference. My son says he wants to be a blacksmith or work at Aeropostale or Auntie Anne's. I say that sounds like a fine idea. He is 10. My daughter says she wants to be a Mommy or a gymnastic girl at the ripe age of 4. They will have plenty of time to balance their checkbook and pay their bills, for now they should be allowed to dream.

picture by Andrew d'Entremont on Flickr

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Copper Willow Branch Necklace

I just made a new necklace and I love it. I must make one for myself now. Check it out in my etsy shop.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

They are here!

We ordered some butterfly larvae a few weeks ago and they have arrived. My daughter is so excited. I hope she doesn't love them to death. We have been seeing butterflies everywhere. I almost got one in my mouth the other day while riding my bike. I guess it would be better than a fly or bee. Yuck. It must be mating season. I even found one on the road that had died. I scooped it up to show my daughter, and then I took pictures of it. Yes, I know, a little weird.

We look forward to watching them transform. Look for some butterfly inspired jewelry to arrive.